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Medical examinations and their evaluation at Medicover with a 10% discount for international students

Take the necessary tests at Medicover, and off you go to university!

Medicover Clinic and Dentistry Szeged

Medicover Clinic Szeged offers a wide range of healthcare services in 22 disciplines from complex medical checkups to laboratory and imaging diagnostics and personal consultations. Our team of highly qualified specialists is committed to providing exceptional healthcare services for our clients.


ExaminationPrice (HUF)
Laboratory testsMore >>
Skin lesion removal (General surgery specialty examination + histology)
Internal medicine specialty examination24000

Ingrown nail removal with surgical specialist examination
Dermatological specialty examination22000
Carotid Duplex ultrasound imaging24000
Endocrinological specialty examination23000
Electrotherapy (per treatment)7000
Otolaryngological (ENT) specialty examination
Physiotherapy (per treatment)7000
Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound imaging24000
Joint ultrasound imaging23000
Soft tissue (testis) ultrasound imaging
Soft tissue (lymphatic region) ultrasound imaging
Neurological specialty examination24000
Gynecological specialty examination with cytology
Resting ECG
Orthopedic specialty examination
Thyroid ultrasound imaging24000
Peripheral vascular Doppler ultrasound imaging28000
Proctology specialty examination
Proctology specialty examination with rectoscopy
Rheumatology specialty examination
General surgery specialty examination
Histology (by piece)
Ophthalmology specialty examination
Urological specialty examination24000
Cardiologic specialty examination25000
Post Covid-19 cardiology basic package64900
Heart ultrasound19000
Gynecological specialty examination - pregnancy diagnosis, maternity care25000
ABPM application7000
Holter monitoring application7000
ABPM evaluation by an internist24000
ABPM evaluation by a cardiologist25000
Holter monitoring evaluation25000
Dietetic consultation15000
Otolaryngological (ENT) specialty examination18000
Hydrogen breath test20000
Cardiac stress ECG21000
Rheumatologic injection7500
Helicobacter pylori breath test20000
Cardiac ultrasound imaging23000
Therapeutic massage6500
H2 exhalation test22900
Complex cardiologic specialty examinatio (ECG + cardiac ultrasound)41000
Diabetology specialty examination24000

Laboratory tests, blood count

Our clinic offers more than 300 types of laboratory tests and 46 laboratory test packages, even without a medical recommendation or referral.

The samples are evaluated in our own laboratory and the results are made available in our online finding management system – in most cases within 1-2 days.

You can have a laboratory test at our clinic from 7 am!


The fee of specialist examinations at our Szeged Clinic varies between 13 000 HUF and 16 000 HUF, depending on the speciality. You can find out more contacting our Call Center, and taking a look at our Szeged Clinic-specific price list.


6723, Szeged, Felső Tisza-Part 25.

Opening hours:

Monday: 7:00-20:00
Tuesday: 7:00-20:00
Wednesday: 7:00-20:00
Thursday: 7:00-20:00
Friday: 7:00-13:00

Appointment booking: + 36 1 465 3131


Medicover on Facebook

How to get there

By car:

The clinic is directly accessible from the „Sárga” on the Felső Tisza-Part, and from the city centre by turning onto Hajós street.

On foot:

From the Hajós u. bus stop towards the Tisza, the entrance is located in the middle of the building on the Felső Tisza-Part in the direction of the Bertalan Bridge.


Free parking is available right next to the building. The car park can be approached by turning from Felső Tisza-Part to Árboc Street, then passing through Maros and Kis-Tisza Streets.

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