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Medicover appointment cancellation and modification policy

  1. If a Patient books an appointment online or by telephone with MEDICOVER for any outpatient healthcare service (hereinafter referred to as „healthcare service„), the Patient understands and accepts that the booking constitutes a contract between the Patient and MEDICOVER, under which MEDICOVER is obliged to provide the booked healthcare service and the Patient is obliged to pay the corresponding service fee. The Patient also understands and accepts that by making an appointment, he/she is subject to the obligations set out in this Policy.
  2. Patients may not cancel or modify their booked appointment any later than 2 working days and in case of endoscopy any later than 3 working days respectively before the visit date, and those who receive an appointment within 2 working days and in case of endoscopy within 3 working days respectively from the date of booking are not entitled to cancel or modify the visit date.
  3. Booking an appointment involves responsibility. If the Patient fails to cancel the booked appointment at least 2 working days and in case of endoscopy at least 3 working days respectively before its date for any reason (not including confirmed illness or other reason established by a medical opinion), or wishes to cancel or change the appointment within 2 working days and in case of endoscopy within 3 working days respectively before its date, or fails to show up for the booked appointment, the Patient will be obliged to pay MEDICOVER a cancellation fee of HUF 20,000 as lump-sum compensation, or only that part of the service fee paid in advance via our webshop in excess of HUF 20,000 will be refunded. If more than one date is affected by the above in a booking, the maximum amount of the lump-sum compensation is HUF 40,000. The occupational health assessment package is considered a single appointment, so a one-off cancellation fee is payable.
  4. The Patient has the option to pay the lump sum specified in section 3 via the MEDICOVER webshop, by credit card, by clicking here, or in person at any MEDICOVER reception desk within 3 working days of the missed appointment. If the Patient fails to comply with this obligation, he/she understands and accepts that MEDICOVER may take legal action to enforce its claim for the payment of lump-sum compensation; any and all additional costs of which shall be borne by the Patient. Further, the Patient understands and accepts that MEDICOVER will not offer him/her a new appointment for any medical service until he/she has fulfilled his/her obligation to pay the lump-sum compensation.

Please take note of the above.

The policy can be downloaded here: Medicover appointment cancellation and modification policy

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