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Medicover Ajándékkártya
Medicover Ajándékkártya

Medicover Tatabánya Pharmacy

In our pharmacies, helpful and experienced professionals welcome all our customers. Our qualified staff will do their best to provide the best possible service.

Our pharmacies are easily accessible by car, public transport or even on foot. If you use our services at Medicover Tatabánya Clinic, you can get your prescriptions quickly and easily from us, as our pharmacy is located in the building.

Szezonális gyógyszertári akciók

Aktuális akcióinkkal kapcsolatban érdeklődjön gyógyszertárunkban!

Az alábbi termékek a készlet erejéig akciósan megvásárolhatók a Medicover Eiffel Gyógyszertárban:

Minden C- és D-vitamin készítményre –20%
Strepsils méz- és citromízű szopogatótabletta (24 db) 3 065 Ft helyett most 2 290 Ft
Tantum Verde Forte 3 mg/ml spray (15 ml) 3 590 Ft helyett most 2 990 Ft
BOSON Antigén Covid-19 gyorsteszt (1 db) 2 990 Ft helyett most 1 790 Ft
Compeed vízhólyagtapasz közepes méretben (5 db) 2 490 Ft helyett most 1 990 Ft
Imodium 2 mg kemény kapszula (20 db) 1 890 Ft helyett most 1 290 Ft
Octenisept külsőleges oldat (50 ml) 2 990 Ft helyett most 2 290 Ft
Strepsils méz- és citromízű szopogatótabletta (24 db) 3 065 Ft helyett most 1 990 Ft
Enterol 250 mg keménykapszula (20 db) 5 150 Ft helyett most 3 990 Ft
Dorithricin mentolos szopogatótabletta (20 db) 2 590 Ft helyett most 1 890 Ft
Cataflam Dolo Rapid 25 mg kapszula (20 db) 3 230 Ft helyett most 2 290 Ft
Detralex 500 mg filmtabletta (120 db) 11 990 Ft helyett most 9 490 Ft
Neo Citran por felnőtteknek (6 db) 2 735 Ft helyett most 1 990 Ft
Bepanthen Plus krém (30 g) 2 290 Ft helyett most 1 590 Ft

Wide range of medicines

We offer a wide range of products in our pharmacies, from painkillers, dermocosmetics and baby care products to dietary supplements and a wide range of medical and cosmetic products:

  • cold medicines
  • antipyretics
  • medicines for muscle and joint pain
  • herbal teas (e.g. NATURLAND, HERBÁRIA)
  • lip-, hand- and footcare dermocosmetics
  • haircare products (e.g. ALPECIN, CANNADERM)
  • nose-, eye- and earcare products (e.g. AUDISPRAY, OHROPAX, AQUA MARIS, STERIMAR, artificial tears)
  • oral care products: toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, denture adhesives, cleaners
  • pregnancy and ovulation tests (e.g. CLEARBLUE, GABRIEL), prenatal vitamins (e.g. ELEVIT, FEMIBION, GRAVIDA)
  • baby care products: formulas (e.g. BEBA, MILUMIL), diaper cream, probiotics, nose sprays, nasal aspirators, dentifrices, thermometers
  • food supplements, vitamins, oligoelements: vitamin C, vitamin D, multivitamin, multivitamin for kids, immune boosting, beauty and hair vitamins, eye vitamins, bone and cartilage strengthening supplements
  • self-diagnostics tools: blood pressure monitors (e.g. OMRON, HARTMANN VEROVAL), blood glucose meters (e.g. ACCU-CHEK, DCONT, MÉRY)
    cleaning products: intimate wash gels, douches, sanitary pads, tampons
  • disinfectants, air fresheners (e.g. AROMAX, OCTENISEPT, CLARASEPT, BRADOLIFE)


Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 8. (accessible from Győri út)

Phone number: +36 20 263 2377

E-mail address:

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:00-20:00

Saturday: Closed

How to get there

By car:

Our pharmacy can be reached by car from Fő tér.

On foot:

You can reach our clinic from the railway station by crossing Győri út, or from Komáromi utca via Fő tér.

By public transport:

Our pharmacy is less than a 5-minute walk away from the train station.


Parking is available in the building’s underground garage, accessible from Fő tér, which is free with a Tatabánya card after registration, otherwise it is 300 HUF/hour.

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