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Cervical conisation (Conisaitio)

When is it necessary?

Conisation, i.e. conical dissection of the cervix, is performed when an abnormal cytological finding is obtained during cervical screening.

In such cases, surgical removal of the suspected tumour area is necessary to prevent the development of more severe conditions and to avoid the use of more drastic methods.

Conisation can be for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes: it can also be used to diagnose and cure chronic, inflammatory processes of the cervical, pre-tumorous diseases.

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How is the surgery performed?

The surgery is most often performed under anaesthesia. During the operation, you are in the usual pose for gynaecological examinations, our surgeon has access to the cervix through the vagina, so it takes place without abdominal cuts.

A few centimetres of a cone-shaped portion of the cervical tissue is excised, which is done by cold cutting, i.e. with a scalpel or an electric knife. The latter does not require stiches, the recovery time will also be shorter. During scalpel surgery, haemostasis is provided by sutures that are absorbed during surgery.

What happens after surgery?

The excised tissue is subjected to a thorough histological examination, which can be used to make an accurate diagnosis. Cervical conisation surgery usually means healing in the case of tumours and pathological processes that are just beginning or have already started, but are localized. After a short observation and recovery, you can return to your usual routine.

What are the risks of cervical conisation surgery?

  • Bleeding that can be controlled in a hospital setting
  • Inflammation that can be treated with antibiotics
  • In extremely rare cases, cervical stenosis may occur, in which case the dilation must be surgically treated.

However, in addition to these, it can be said that there is a much greater risk of not performing cervical surgery, as the complaints may worsen, more serious cancerous diseases are not recognized in time.

What is included in the price of our surgeries?

  • costs of the surgery
  • costs of anesthesia (local or general anesthesia, postoperative pain relief)
  • the costs of the planned hospital stay and care
  • necessary medicines and certain medical aids during the stay
  • inpatient physiotherapy treatment (if necessary for rehabilitation)
  • if necessary, the fee for the planned histological examination
  • the price of the first follow-up examination

What additional costs might be expected?

  • implants
  • consultation with the anesthesiologist (must be done in Medicover)
  • pre-operative examinations (if performed by us)
  • in case of blood group antibody positivity, the blood matching fee
  • hotel service fee for extra care days
  • aids for further rehabilitation
  • accompanying person staying in the hospital
    • day (with one meal) 20 000 HUF
    • night (full board) 60 000 HUF
  • furthermore, if necessary, the cost of the 2nd follow-up examination is the fee of the specialist examination -50%, the cost of the 3rd follow-up examination is the fee of the specialist examination -30%

The course of the surgery

Before surgery

  • pre-surgery specialist consultation, where the specific surgical proposal is made
  • consultation with the Case Manager
    • general information if necessary
    • preparation of a written quotation
    • booking surgery and preliminary examination appointments
    • payment
  • carrying out pre-operative examinations
  • arrival for surgery

On the day of surgery

  • arrival at Medicover Hospital at 6:30
  • check-in at the reception on the ground floor
  • occupying a room accompanied by a nurse, who provides information
  • morning visit with the specialist physician and anesthesiologist
  • surgery
  • postoperative monitoring
  • afternoon visit with the specialist physician
  • constant anesthesiology specialist monitoring in the postoperative period
  • discharge (with an accompanying person), final report and handing over a certificate

Surgical service process

  • surgery
  • hospital stay and care
  • planned histology
  • follow-up examination, sutur removal

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