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Laboratory packages for athletes

It is important for both hobby athletes and active competitive athletes that their body functions optimally to achieve the best performance. For this, regular sports medicine examinations are essential, of which laboratory tests are an integral part.

In addition to the general laboratory tests (blood count, extended blood and urine test), our laboratory packages prepared for athletes also include tests recommended in case of special, increased physical activity.

When is it recommended to have the laboratory package for athletes performed?

We recommend the laboratory package for athletes for both amateur and elite athletes as part of the sports medicine examination. It is worth checking the values ​​yearly for amateur athletes, every 3 months in case of competitive sports with active training, and every two months for elite athletes, depending on the sport.

In case of noticeable decrease in performance, fatigue, exhaustion, repeated examination of laboratory values ​​is especially recommended.

Changes in laboratory values ​​can also draw attention to the slow development of overtraining, which can be caused by improperly structured or excessive training. This also has a long-term negative effect on a number of physiological functions, such as hormonal balance, nervous system function, or digestion, which can cause further complaints.

As a result of training, several laboratory values ​​may increase, which should be constantly monitored in order to prevent organ damage resulting from these differences in the long run. With the help of our laboratory test package, it is easy to monitor the state of the body during active sports, therefore the tests included in the package are recommended for all active athletes.

Which tests are included in the laboratory package for athletes?

Hematopoietic system function

Blood count: used to determine the relative and absolute numbers of formed elements in the blood, red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets (PLT). Based on the results, the sports physician can conclude, among other things, anaemia, blood loss, inflammatory processes, hematopoietic disease, haemorrhage, and coagulation disorders.

Elevated white blood cell counts are common in athletes. It is caused by exercise, so this does not necessarily indicate inflammation in the body. In addition to regular sports, red blood cell counts can increase, which can improve performance up to a certain point due to increased oxygen delivery, but persistently thickens the blood, thus increasing the risk of thrombosis and causing heart problems. Decomposition of red blood cells is common among runners, causing anaemia.

Kidney function

Total urine with sediment: This test is used to detect infection, metabolic abnormalities, and kidney disease. After increased physical exertion, an increase in certain proteins is often detected in the urine, which usually disappears upon rest.

Creatinine (with eGFR): a product of degradation derived from muscles, the level of which is relatively constant in the human body. Elevated values ​​are common with active sports. Since it is excreted through the kidneys, elevated blood levels may also indicate a filtration disorder of the kidneys. The test is the best parameter of kidney function.

Inflammatory processes

CRP: measures the amount of CRP protein produced in liver cells in the event of inflammation. Typically, its levels increase radically in case of bacterial and fungal infections. A laboratory test can only detect inflammation present in the body, but not its exact location. In the presence of inflammation, further testing is recommended considering any complaints.

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Thyroid function

TSH: We examine the levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH, which is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates thyroid hormone production. If the TSH value is elevated, we talk about hypothyroidism, and if the TSH value is lower, hyperthyroidism might be in the background.

Liver function

Bilirubin: is produced as a yellow breakdown of red blood cells in the spleen, liver and certain lymph nodes. Its levels can be elevated in case of increased red blood cell breakdown, liver disease and cholestasis. The development of cholestasis is often common with the use of illegal performance enhancers.

GOT (glutamate oxaloacetate aminotransferase): an enzyme involved in the metabolism of amino acids. Normally, it is present in small amounts in the blood, in case of intensive training or muscle damage, its level may increase, and this elevated level may indicate other organ damage.

GPT (glutamate pyruvate aminotransferase): an enzyme produced in liver cells that shows the damage that has taken place there. Normally, it is also present in small amounts in the blood, in case of trauma, or during intensive training, or in case of muscle injury, its level may increase.

GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase): an enzyme produced by the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Its value is checked when examining the liver and bile ducts, it is the most reliable indicative parameter. Its elevated value indicates blockage of the bile ducts.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): an enzyme that helps break down proteins. It usually provides information when examining liver and bone diseases. A high value indicates liver or bone disease (e.g. osteoporosis), a lower value may be due to hypothyroidism, malnutrition, or anaemia.

Fat and carbohydrate metabolism

Blood sugar: is used to determine the level of glucose in the blood to help identify diabetes. Elevated levels indicate diabetes.

Cholesterol: Cholesterol is produced in the biggest amount by the liver, but some of it is taken in with food. The cholesterol produced by the liver is essential for bile production. Total cholesterol is determined in a laboratory test and the proportions of LDL and HDL cholesterol are also indicated.

LDL cholesterol: “bad” cholesterol. It transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells, which can deposit in the blood vessel walls, reducing their elasticity and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack.

Triglyceride: It is the component of fats ingested during food intake that supply energy to the body. Ideally, it occurs in small amounts but in case of excessive carbohydrate intake, our body also produces triglycerides.


Potassium: Potassium in cells regulates the amount of fluid in the body and is involved in maintaining acid-base balance. It also stimulates muscle contraction, so changes in its level have an effect on heart rate. During intense exercise, a significant amount leaves the body with sweat. Low potassium levels can also cause respiratory failure and arrhythmias.

Calcium: The primary storehouse of calcium is in the bones, and calcium dissolved in the blood is essential for muscle function and nerve transmission. With sweat, a significant amount can leave the body during exercise, so its low level can cause muscle cramps and tingling in the limbs during exercise.

With a normal test result, the body’s calcium metabolism is optimal, and its blood level is adequate. Elevated calcium levels can also be caused by hyperthyroidism or hyperparathyroidism, and low calcium levels can be caused by, among other things, hypothyroidism or low blood protein levels.

In addition to the tests listed above, the extended package includes two other tests, measuring the level of vitamin D3 and determining the level of Coenzyme Q10, which affects heart function.

Vitamin D3 (1.25 Vitamin D3): Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is a type of vitamin D that is actually a hormone-like precursor. It is essential for bone formation and bone metabolism, as well as for regulating calcium metabolism, and it also affects the functioning of the immune system. Renal active vitamin D3 (1.25 OH D3, calcitriol) regulates calcium metabolism: a lower value indicates insufficient calcium metabolism, and an elevated value is an indicator of high blood calcium levels.

Coenzyme Q10: or ubiquinone, a compound with vitamin-like properties that plays an essential role in cellular energy production, oxygen delivery, and the neutralization of free radicals, thereby improving performance. It increases the elasticity of the blood vessel walls, prevents the deposition of fatty substances on the vessel wall, thus reducing the risk of developing high blood pressure and diseases associated with vascular occlusion (stroke, heart attack). With increased strain, its level may decrease. However, excessive intake can cause gastrointestinal complaints.

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How do I prepare for the test?

Blood sampling requires an empty stomach. A sample delivered in a clean container is required for urine testing.

What to do after the test?

The finding alone does not make a diagnosis. As deviations from normal values ​​are common in athletes, always consult your sports physician with the result.


When is the result expected?

The results of the laboratory package for athletes are available in our online system after the 2nd working day following the test.

The results of the extended laboratory package for athletes are completed after 17 working days following the test.

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