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Tumour markers

Why is laboratory testing important?

Laboratory tests can help identify or, where appropriate, rule out the underlying diseases.

However, it is important to highlight that the result of a laboratory test does not in itself constitute a diagnosis, only the results are included in the finding. You will receive the diagnosis, therapy or treatment recommendation from your specialist or treating physician who ordered the laboratory tests.

Contact your doctor with all laboratory test results.

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Tumour types and their markers

Tumour marker Full name Oncology field
AFP Alfa-foetoprotein Liver and egg cell tumours
CA 125 Cancer antigen 125 Ovary tumour
CA 19-9 Cancer antigen 19-9 Pancreatic tumour
CA 15-3 Cancer antigen 15-3 In case of breast cancer
CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen Digestive organ tumours
PSA Prostate antigen Prostate cancer
PSA free Prostate-specific antigen Prostate cancer
Septin 9 Septin-9 Colon cancer
S-100 S-100 Melanoma
Bone trap 5B Bone trap 5B Bone tumour, bone metastasis
Cyfra-21 Cyfra-21 Not small cell lung cancer
TPA Tissue polipeptid antigene Possible tumour marker: breast, lung, bladder and ovarian cancer

Tumour markers

Tumour markers are produced by tumour cells. The laboratory can detect these substances from body secretions: blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, faeces. Tests make sense if there are any complaints or symptoms that raise the possibility of a tumour. If the tumour marker test is performed before the tumour therapy, the tracking of the parameter is suitable for monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy and for indicating the recurrence of the tumour.

A negative test result (the tumour marker concentration is in the normal range) does not necessarily indicate a tumour-free condition, as a positive result does not necessarily indicate cancer. In a positive case, further tests can be used to determine if there is indeed a cancerous lesion. Among other things, one of the most common types of cancer, colon cancer, can be screened for with laboratory testing of blood and stool samples.

Please note that the tests performed do not give a diagnosis, it is the responsibility of your doctor to evaluate the results and establish the diagnosis.


Available tests

  • Gastrin
  • HE-4 (ROMA index)
  • Neuron-specific enolase (NSE)
  • PSA (prostate tumor marker)
  • PSA free
  • S-100
  • Septin 9 + panel – ColonAIQ (Colon tumor screening with molecular test)
  • Fecal M2-PK + Fecal Occult Blood Test (rectal tumor marker)
  • TPA (tissue polipeptid antigene, breast, lungs, bladder, ovary tumor marker)

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