Stool microbiome test
What is a microbiome?
It is estimated that the human body contains more than 1014 (100 trillion) cells, only a very small percentage of which is its own cell. Each of our cells has 10 microorganisms, all of which are called microbiomes. The human microbiome is the sum of the genetic population of microbes living in our body. These microbes live in symbiosis with us, in us, on us, they protect, feed, and nourish. They also colonize our skin, teeth, and mucous membranes – the oral cavity, stomach, intestines, genitals – so any surface that may come in contact with the outside world in some form.
What do you need to know about the microbiome of the gut flora?
Everyone has their own microflora. In addition to genetics, the microflora of our body is also influenced by several factors, age, diet, and lifestyle. Various environmental effects – such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, stress, excessive antibiotic use – can all upset the balance. This increases the risk of developing certain diseases, such as various inflammatory bowel diseases, allergic diseases, autoimmune diseases, or diabetes, but may even be associated with obesity.
Maintaining the balance of the gut flora is extremely important, as the microorganisms living in us play an important role in maintaining our health. They kill pathogens that enter the body, help break down hard-to-digest nutrients, participate in the synthesis of vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin K) and short carbon chain fatty acids as an energy source for our body, and in the production of mucus that covers the intestinal wall. Its composition also affects the immunological environment, it also helps the balanced functioning of the immune system.
Only a small fraction of these microbes can be identified by the common microbiological culture method, but today the rapid development of molecular technologies and bioinformatics also allows the examination of non-culturable bacteria. During sequencing, members of the entire microbiome community (both culturable and non-culturable microbes) can be identified based on their DNA.
What does the stool microbiome test show?
The ratio of the bacterial strains Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, Proteobacteria, Actinobacter and Verrucomicrobia in the intestinal flora is indicated in the finding. These strains have different functions and properties. During the test, the bacterial species belonging to each strain, which are necessary for healthy intestinal function, are also determined. The proportion of butyric acid-producing bacteria can also be seen in the finding, these bacteria can reduce the inflammatory processes in the intestine and improve intestinal function. The diversity of the microbiome, the bacterial species that occur in as much variety as possible, indicates the healthy functioning of the gut flora.
Only the bacterial components of the microbiome are tested.
When is it recommended to perform the test?
The test may be recommended for a number of conditions and conditions:
- bloating, increased gas production
- diarrhoea
- constipation
- feeling of fullness
- stomachache
- gastrointestinal diseases
- immune system disorders (e.g. allergy – both inhalative and nutritive, increased susceptibility to infection)
- after the completion of antibiotic therapy
- in case of skin changes (neurodermatitis)
- in case of lethargy, fatigue
- in case of food intolerance
- to assess the effect of eating habits and diets
How do I prepare for the test?
The test requires no preparation.
We provide a special sampling device for sampling, this is the only way we can accept a sample. You can pick up the sampling device at the reception of our clinic the day before the test, to which a detailed sampling information is attached.
Please return the sample to our clinic no later than the 2nd day after sampling.
The finding is available in English and Hungarian.